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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 1-25 of 70 results.
The latest in the Flash legacy, Wally West is content in the knowledge that he will always be fast enough. But when something starts attacking him, something no one else can see and he can't outrun, will his confidence stand up to the test?
I had to do this poem for school...
I'm bad at poems, but i thought i'd share with you guys.
this is the fairy/horror tale feeling beginning of the Demented Dollz story. very short and not very discriptive. course its not sopposed to be!

...warning I have horrible spelling and grammer :(
a folktale...Yumiko and Zaki...
The LuCana, god of dragons, has been locked away, dorment inside his own soul for many thousands of years. The empire of Hexia, advanced race of planet conquring beings, have found out about this adn plan on controling him as a weapon...
this is the story of a group friends who are there for each other trough tick and thin
Short story told in Mercedes's point of view. What were to happen if Lace were to die?
this is a dutch storie...

tadaaa hier is ie dan niet goed maar ok, het wordt mijn verhaal voor de kunstbendeXP
Morti brings you another story in her "DR. Suess gone chronically wrong" style. This one is about a little 11 year old gay, depressed boy named Joey...
this are english poems
dit zijn de nederlandse gedichten XD
Just a bunch of poems and stuff I've written over the years.
Fire is added to the Name of Blaze, And for good reason. Here is the second and last part to 'Origin'
A wolf sets pawprint into my soul, but also exist within my imagination, my reality. Her name is Fire Blaze.
well it's a fantasy storie, i hope you like it, the first pages was made by my best friend sannetangel so if you like it you should lso give her credit XP
This is a story i wrote for my english class. The assignment is that we 'stayed out three hours past curew and this is the story that we tell out parents when we get home. *nods* i could really care less if anyone reads this.
There's a guy..Isn't there always? Anyways, I had nothing better to do and my fingers just kept on a typing. So, please comment, lemme know if there is anything I could fix.
Vincent's daughter discovers she has a special power on her sixteenth birthday...
I got this stuff from different sources, and damned if each one said a different birthstone. I didn't feel like looking them all up, so make do.
Read the title..Its about me and josh
In an old, banished house, two girl watch a storm, and begen to see thing that were right under their noses the whole time...
A quiz to determine what you really know about FLCL. 31 questions.
When I read this part of Kare Kano I freaking CRIED. This should be made into an anime of it's own, seriously.
Why do most Dragonball and DBZ characters have such weird names?...
A poem my friend named Xing wrote for me...he is so sweet lol...