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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 251-275 of 474 results.
this is some random story i felt like writing. and OMG! it's complete! it was fun to do. this is pretty much how i rp with my friends. david and matt are my new characters i already drew them. well i hope you guys enjoy this story ^___^
O.O eek

I hope this one is as good as my other one.
Welcome to Mercedes' Academy for Gifted Girls. Here, majic isn't just a word, it's the curriculum.
THE CRASH HAS JUST BEGIN, i put this on sonic stories cos he is the main character.
The latest in the Flash legacy, Wally West is content in the knowledge that he will always be fast enough. But when something starts attacking him, something no one else can see and he can't outrun, will his confidence stand up to the test?
ok. i redid my story. so here
How much do you know about The Black Pearl?
This story tells what you would have never expected.
The truth...
After the horrific battle with the Metarex, Sonic and friends come back to Earth. The story explains the rest.

The moral of this story is to think positive and never give up, no matter how hopeless things get.
This is A Samurai Pizza Cats

One Sided Big Cheese X Polly Fic

On Big Cheese's side in thoughts only

taking place before The Cheese No longer Stands Alone
It's prom time for juniors and seniors at Casper High, including Danny, Tucker, and Sam. DxS
this is my second story and it follows my charries and the charries of some others and thier journey to defeat thier second most arch enemy mecha sonic if you want in let me know and your in
this is a role pla that so far use jordan and sutaru
This is just two skits that were favorites of mine when I'm in Boy Scouts. Now that I'm an Eagle and learned a lot there, I still look back on the good times.
The organization goes on a field trip to a wood!^^
Digimon thing to do during school, like the title says.
This is what I get from my imagination!!^-^
This is a story that my friend and I made up
out of boredom.....
We sent it to and they thought it was hularious!
So, I hope you like!
Chapters get added by interest (aka number of comments) on the story.
Someone is taking over America! So we decide to be ninjas and fight for our world! At the same time there is romance beetween many characters along the way. If you wanna be part of this fun journey just ask!^__^
Me and my friend Marisa937(Jordan) try and figure out my true name and my past, thanx for the help my friend!^^
a girl gets shunned for something that happened a while ago. gossip has gone on about her through a social circle more than anyone cares to count. what changes that? claimer::[]
naruto asks a question....................
Cast of Naruto are behind the scenes. what are they doind?o0 eating harry potter jelly beans? this can't lead to anything good. labeld:::crack fic. xD
all about couples that should be together and how they get caught in funny situations.[[naruxsaku/tenxneji/shikaxino/Jiraixtsun/]]
a girl [[Ciro]] and her brother[[Watatashi]] have lost there parents and are now living the cinderella story of a life time.It takes place in Japan and is now exsceeding 20 pages it's far from over with. :) includes [[spirits,demonds,fairies,]]