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Recent Stories by Favorite Authors

Displaying 326-350 of 1786 results.
My view on Alice in wonderland Characters. I must worn you though. Some of it is somewhat evil. Like the CHeshire Cat poem. I hope you like!
Xana has switched the genders of the Lyoko gang. It's a quite pointless attack, but it annoys the Lyoko gang past the point of no return.
DD: Inspired by a drawing that Dana-sama saw.
this is just my first inuyasha story and for a few stories will be kagome and inuyasha but afterwhile it will change.
I wrote this feeling really crappy.
My writings had stopped flowing but, here it came...words coming as bullets to the head.
As the title suggests, these profiles are based inside the world of THE GAME VERSION OF GALAXY ANGEL. My OC's Originaly start as enemies of the Empire (except Griffon, he's a double agent).

1st part Has:
Want a really cool warrior name? Look here!! Just don't take the ones that have ** by it!
Seto Kaiba, Yami Yugi, Katsuya Jounouchi, Mokuba Kaiba, Yugi Mouto, and Yami Bakura all get transported to another dimension when Seto's new invention goes haywire and there they meet me and my friends.

Shippings inside
This story is based on a Spyro dream I had with my main OC, Sandy the princess dragon!
I renamed the story btw! I had to change it to this title, it sounded cooler! XD
A semi-normal teen named Crysta Aile finds out she is not so normal after all...
I write some poetry but not often, this is some of my work.
About the rather ordinary working days of Section 9. Chapter one: If anyone ever found out about this, Batou wouldn’t live to see the end of it.
This story was popular on, so I thought I'd post it here.

Chapter 1
This is something my friends and I made I beleive two years ago or so...=)
This is a story out of boredom^^

i'm currently obseesed with transformers so i made this story^^
To escape the visions that plague them Rasp and Arac agree to share what they know to piece together their lost past, discovering they share more in common than they thought.

Zinc,Kuro,Jex,Dez,Elet,and Raz=Skof’s

Irken Race (c) Jhonen Vasquez
boredom can work it's magic
Follow Levi and his friend Kaz as they Quest to find the Ravens that were rumoured to have died long ago.
This is a story about my Warriors clan Sunclan and Whisperpaw! It is a story of how she joined Sunclan ^^ OC's welcome to join! This is gonna be a LONG story so be prepared for a lot of reading ^^
Zero and my other OC's are ready for all of your questions so let 'em have it

So start asking :) Hey guys please let me know who your questions are directed to!
A story I had to write for school.

Invader Kay (my OC) is a bloodthirsty Irken Invader and always resorts to violence but how can she cope with falling in love... with Zim!? (invader Kay is sort of my alternate personality ^^)
This isn't a guide to getting through the whole game, just bits of info that i can't seem to find anywhere else and i feel are useful. Updates when i find something new.
I came up with this when I was eight. I forgot it for a little while and now it desided to come back.

Read to the melody of "Bad to the Bone."
Kuzai: This is based on the Oracle series, I thought it's be pretty interesting to write, I wrote it. =D XD Don't worry there's more to come. ^-^